Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mega Man X6


Mega Man X6
Sony Playstation
2D Action platfoming

At first glance, Mega Man X6 is a brutally difficult and overwhelming game, and that would be an astute observation. X6 thrives on your stress and despair, but sticking with it gradually reveals an excellent, although flawed, Mega Man X game. The gameplay is sharp as expected, which is your only blessing in X6's punishing stages. The music is among the series best, the diverse and beautiful soundtrack rings out spaciously, and thrashes hard. All things considered this is a great game, although it can be frustrating at times. It's not perfectly crafted like X1, but it's definitely worth playing.

X6 is a gorgeous game, but what I really want to do is post the music.

I'm a total sucker for rain and snow in video games.

Oops. Hope he wasn't holding that speedster or jumper part.